Friday, July 27, 2007

San Diego

I had the chance thanks to my dad to fly out to San Diego the other week for my Grandpa's 75 birthday. This was the first time in a long time that the Martin's have all been together. Unfortunately due to scheduling I couldn't bring Holly or Alyssa. I know, so sad. What's sad is everyone basically wanted to see them more than me. In the picture, from Left to right: My father Ken and my mother Deanna, then in the back is Tracy the oldest of my sisters with her husband Danny who live in Seattle. Kayla is the middle sister in black and Erin is our baby sis. Both currently attend school at the University of North Texas. Then there is Alyssa's Gee Gee and Pappy separated by yours truly.

I forgot how nice SoCal weather (away from the desert) can be. Dad, Danny, and I snuck off from the girls while they shopped at an outlet center to do some indoor kart racing. It was a blast and way more competitive than something you'd find at Malibu Speed Way. Helmets and course flags I believe I was cheated as my tires were bald and I was everywhere on that course but the front.

That night was a Martin Family dinner at my Uncle's house in Escondido. This was the first time like I said I've seen alot of my cousins who I remembered being young kids.

The next morning the boys all got together for our usual golf game. Over the yrs everyone has become a bit better at the game so I was pumped to beat some of the cousins....and you know who you are, since last tournament I didn't even get a trophy. Well, someone had the bright idea to play a scramble and my hopes were dashed. To add insult to injury I do believe my Uncle Mark who not only lives next to this par 3 course but probably plays it on a weekly basis, stacked the his team in their favor. Next time will be a different story.

I t was good to get back home to see the girls though. I woke Alyssa up just so I could chat with her. She is awesome.

Update on my job prospects. I'll be out tonight and Saturday night with the UofI guys and then have a meeting on Monday afternoon with a Lieutenant for a "sit down" he says. Hopefully it is to schedule my post employment psych eval and medical exam. On Holly's end, she is having a killer month in the way of new team members. I'm really excited for her as she finally has some girls that are really working hard toward the unit goal of becoming a Cadillac Unit. Keep it up Holly!

As far as Alyssa, she is a two yr old and at times shows those terrible twos with knock down screaming tantrums. Normally though she is a very sweet and extremely talkative little girl. One of our goals for her as been to potty train her before her sister comes. 2 kids in diapers is not what we want. Holly and I have tried in despair to get her motivated to go on the potty, but she just didn't want nothing to do with it. Well while I was away she took her own vacation to Grandma Martin's in Sherman, IL and the woman is obviously a miricale worker because I heard she went potty on the toilet 5 times! Since then Holly and I have kept with it and I'm proud to say Alyssa is doing great when it comes to pottying. Now notice how I didn't mention pooping. Well that is a different story and if you have any suggestions on getting a kid to do that on the toilet I would be very appreciated. Nothing like attacking a dirty pull up that doesn't want to cooperate with you. I find I get just as much on me as what's in the panties or pull up!

She is also a very accomplished swimmer. I've gotten to the point where I no longer have to get wet when we go to the pool. With her Elmo floaties on she climbs into the big pool via the stairs, pushes off and swims around to the amazement of not only me, but other pool goers. I just stand on the edge encouraging her on. I no joke have seen her swim from one side to the other without me or anyone else assisting her. I'll see if I can get a picture of it next time we go. Today it's a torrential down pour outside so we'll inadvertently be swimming out to the car just to go out. Lovely!

Friday, July 13, 2007

I can't believe it is already July and we are having another baby in September! So far we have a list of names that changes every week. This week we like: Kendall, Grace, and Reese. This last picture is Alyssa with her best friend Jordan. She goes to his house for pre-school twice a week. In the Fall I hope to double that so she can get out of the house more. Have a great Friday the 13th!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Visitors from TEXAS..."We come in peace."

Due to some availability in my Dad's schedule, he and my mom took the opportunity to drive out from Dallas to see their granddaughter. It was a short, but great visit. Alyssa loves her Grandpa Ken and Grandma D and was especially sad when they left. It was neat to see the interaction between them now that Alyssa talks in small sentences. We rode the horses on the carousal, ate ice cream during a thunderstorm, went for a swim, played with sparklers, and went to the movies....well us big folks saw the new Die Hard film while she napped. Thanks again to mom and dad for coming out and I'll see you next week in San Diego!