Saturday, June 23, 2007

Car 54 where are you?

So it's been one of those lazy Saturdays because it's been raining since like Thursday. I say lazy and I'm only speaking for myself and Alyssa as Holly is working like a dog finishing the fiscal year with Mary Kay. I took the opportunity knowing that everyone was indoors to let Alyssa go play at her grandparents while I went to the gym and shook off the sloth in me when really it's suppose to be my day off since I go there 5 times a week already.

Some good news came in on Wed. morning. I received a call from the U of I Police Department and was given a preliminary offer of employment. I was really hoping I'd get the job here due to the work and social environment as well as the great benefits. I'm now completing my 2nd of 3 rides I'm slated to do with Field Training Officers before the final word is given. Tonight is one of those rides and if it weren't for the thunderstorm outside I'd say it would be pretty exciting, but I have a feeling it will be the opposite. September would be when I attend the Police Training Institute which is equivalent to Police Academy and it's where all agencies send their new officers. At that point we will begin the process for moving out and into our own place. Exciting to say the least!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Happy Father's Day to all Dad's and Grandpa's!

Check out this hair! It is out of control.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Kite Adventures

Late last week we had a couple of days where it was very windy. One morning while laying around with Alyssa in her room I remembered that she had a kite in with her toys. So we assembled it and took it out front for a test flight. I was limping around in an air cast as I'm trying to heal a stress fracture in my foot, so Holly did the honors of Chief Flight Operator with Alyssa as Co-Pilot. We had 2 successful flights before disaster struck in the form of a tree, however we learned that having me as a flight consultant while not being hands on is like having an annoying backseat driver. Alyssa had fun and that's all that matters.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

American Girl

Alyssa's favorite game to play with Holly is to have her lay her head on a pillow, so she can do whatever she wants to mom!

So it looks like there might be some things to do in Illinois after all. I lasted posted about Touch A Truck day, well today was Touch a Tractor. To add to the excitement we found out there is a permanent petting zoo and water park just up the road from us. Who knew? Alyssa was more interested in the jump house than the animals and tractors though. We ended the afternoon with a hay ride in the back of a tractor.