Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

Hopefully all the mothers out there had a wonderfull day yesterday. Alyssa and I went out on Saturday afternoon to do our shopping. You may be saying to yourself, "isn't that typical" in regards to our choice in waiting till the last minute. Yet you don't understand the workings in our house. Holly watches that bank account like a hawk and so theoreticly I can't spend a dime without her knowing. So how does someone secretly buy a gift for his wife and have it be a surprise when you're getting grilled as to what I spend fifty bucks on the other day? So now that we are all on the same page Alyssa with lolipop in hand accompanied me to our destination. She would have been a bigger help if she hadn't found it increadibly funny to run up and peeking back to see if dad was after her. That and she wanted to touch everything at her level with her sticky hands. Alas, we succeded and promptly went home to sign the card and wrap the chocalates. I purposefully left it out on the kitchen table partly to say, "see, I remembered" and also to test Holly's will power. Well she was a rock and waited till breakfast on Sunday.

After Church we grilled out and had our weekly family dinner at Holly's parent's just down the road from us. Holly received some more chocolate and I'm starting to catch on that pregnant women love any and all forms of it. As well, Alyssa has discovered the fun of a trampoline and surprised me by how well she can jump twice and land on her butt. Fear got the better of me when Holly joined her and proceeded to see how how she could get little Alyssa by double bouncing her! As I stormed off, not wanting to be a part of a soon to be hospital trip Holly explained how she's had this trampoline since she was a kid and no one has gotten hurt. Write this down, experience with a trampoline doesn't equal common sense. Well to give my wife credit 95% Alyssa was laughing. I think it was only when she was laid out looking down at her mother while being ten feet in the air did she have a neutral facial expression.

If you are wondering if tha is all we did for Mother's Day, Holly and I did go out to eat Saturday night. We took Alyssa as well and all though she didn't eat great we now know she loves ranch dressing as she devoured a small bowl of it. Our figuring was if it keeps her quite and adds some meat to those bones then have at it. Our server brought her a balloon which once she was done and I was paying she walked around and showed everyone. The cutest moment was when she proceeded around the bar, running mind you, and all you could see was this white balloon. The staff got a kick out of it. It's times like that which make me gratefull for outstanding mother's especially my own and my wife.

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